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中华肺部疾病杂志(电子版) ›› 2017, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (04) : 395 -397. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2017.04.003

所属专题: 文献


薛志强1,(), 温佳新1, 刘毅1, 任志鹏1, 王彬1, 张成伟1, 刘阳1, 初向阳1   
  1. 1. 100853 北京,中国人民解放军总医院胸外科
  • 收稿日期:2017-05-24 出版日期:2017-08-20
  • 通信作者: 薛志强
  • 基金资助:

Early diagnosis and treatment of postoperative chylothorax after lung carcinoma surgery

Zhiqiang Xue1,(), Jiaxin Wen1, Yi Liu1, Zhipeng Ren1, Bin Wang1, Chengwei Zhang1, Yang Liu1, Xiangyang Chu1   

  1. 1. Department of Thoracic Surgery, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China
  • Received:2017-05-24 Published:2017-08-20
  • Corresponding author: Zhiqiang Xue
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Xue Zhiqiang, Email:

薛志强, 温佳新, 刘毅, 任志鹏, 王彬, 张成伟, 刘阳, 初向阳. 肺癌切除术后乳糜胸的早期诊断和治疗[J]. 中华肺部疾病杂志(电子版), 2017, 10(04): 395-397.

Zhiqiang Xue, Jiaxin Wen, Yi Liu, Zhipeng Ren, Bin Wang, Chengwei Zhang, Yang Liu, Xiangyang Chu. Early diagnosis and treatment of postoperative chylothorax after lung carcinoma surgery[J]. Chinese Journal of Lung Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2017, 10(04): 395-397.






3 479例肺癌切除患者术后并发乳糜胸12例(0.34%,12/3 479),胸腔镜手术组的发生率为0.41%(7/1 719),开胸手术组为0.28%(5/1 760),两者之间未见统计学显著性差异(P>0.05)。11例(91.7%)采用保守治疗,1例(8.3%)再次手术行胸导管结扎后,全部恢复顺利。胸腔镜手术组乳糜胸患者的手术时间(207±29.1)min、平均出血量(142.9±60.7)ml、清扫淋巴结数(20.1±5.7)枚、带胸管时间(13.9±4.9)d、住院时间(26.7±5.7)d,与开胸手术组乳糜胸患者的手术时间(192±72.2)min、平均出血量(220.0±109.5)ml、清扫淋巴结数(14.4±4.5)枚、带胸管时间(13.2±7.8)d、住院时间(27.0±8.7)d相比,未见统计学有显著性差异(P>0.05)。




To explore the early diagnosis and treatment of postoperative chylothorax after lung carcinoma surgery.


The clinical data of patients with postoperative chylothorax after lung cancer surgery from January 2009 to December 2013 were retrospectively analyzed, the difference between the video-assisted thoracoscopy surgery (VATS) and thoracotomy was compared.


Twelve patients with postoperative chylothorax were identified among 3 479 patients who underwent lung carcinoma surgery (0.34%, 12/3 479). Proportion of postoperative chylothorax was 0.41% in VATS group (7/1 719) and 0.28% in thoracotomy group (5/1 760), the difference was not significant (P>0.05). 11 patients with postoperative chylothorax received conservative therapy, and 1 patient underwent thoracic duct ligation, all patients recovered smoothly. Comparing the VATS with the thoracotomy groups, the mean operative time was 207±29.1 min vs. 192±72.2 min, with no significant difference (P>0.05); and the average blood loss was 142.9±60.7 ml vs. 220.0±109.5 ml, with no significant difference (P>0.05). Comparing the two groups of patients data, the number of lymph node dissection: 20.1±5.7 in VATS group and 14.4±4.5 in the thoracotomy group on average, with no significant difference (P>0.05); postoperative drainage time: 13.9±4.9 days in the VATS group and 13.2±7.8 days in the thoracotomy group on average, with no significant difference (P>0.05); hospital stay: 26.7±5.7 days in the VATS group and 27.0±8.7 days in the thoracotomy group on average, with no significant difference (P>0.05).


Postoperative chylothorax is a rare complication of lung carcinoma resection. The incidence of postoperative chylothorax is not related with operation type. The prognosis is good of chylothorax by early diagnosis and effective conservative treatment.

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