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中华肺部疾病杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (06) : 913 -919. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2024.06.011


陈兰1, 沈艳,1, 金柯1, 史萍1, 邓露茜1, 石丽萍1   
  1. 1.210000 南京,南京医科大学第一附属医院(江苏省人民医院)感染病科ICU
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-23 出版日期:2024-12-25
  • 通信作者: 沈艳
  • 基金资助:

Clinical significance of hematological features after intensive treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

Lan Chen1, Yan Shen,1, Ke Jin1, Ping Shi1, Luqian Deng1, Liping Shi1   

  1. 1.epartment of Infectious Diseases ICU, The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, Nanjing 210000,China
  • Received:2024-03-23 Published:2024-12-25
  • Corresponding author: Yan Shen

陈兰, 沈艳, 金柯, 史萍, 邓露茜, 石丽萍. 肺结核强化期治疗血液学特征的临床意义[J/OL]. 中华肺部疾病杂志(电子版), 2024, 17(06): 913-919.

Lan Chen, Yan Shen, Ke Jin, Ping Shi, Luqian Deng, Liping Shi. Clinical significance of hematological features after intensive treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Lung Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2024, 17(06): 913-919.


分析肺结核(pulmonary tuberculosis,PTB)强化期治疗后血液学特征的意义。


选择2020 年5 月至2022 年6 月我院收治的162 例新诊断PTB 患者为对象。 经2 个月强化期治疗后痰涂片镜检和痰培养转阴112 例为对照组,未转阴50 例为观察组。 检测24 种血液学参数。 采用血液学参数联合模型预测。


观察组治疗后中性粒细胞计数(neutrophil,NEU)4.92(3.73,6.57)×109/L、单核细胞计数(monocyte,MONO)0.50(0.32,0.72)×109/L、单核细胞与淋巴细胞比值(MLR)0.23(0.16,0.34)、血小板与淋巴细胞比值(PLR)142.10(82.60,184.00)、中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞比值(NLR)2.29(1.57,3.05)、系统免疫炎症指数(systemic immunoinflammatory index,SII)568.60(361.90,1 018.60)、血小板计数(platelet count,PLT)296.00(201.00,390.00)×109/L、血小板压积(plateletcrit,PCT)0.15(0.13,0.19)mg/L、红细胞沉降率(erythrocyte sedimentation rate,ESR)45.00(25.00,85.00)mm/1 h、C 反应蛋白(C-reactive protein,CRP)9.30(9.10,11.30)mg/L 高于对照组6.02(4.76,7.52)×109/L、 0.89(0.47,1.08)×109/L、0.43(0.25,0.59)、155.50(102.60,193.90)、2.88(2.23,4.17)、735.40(575.20,1 110.50)、259.00(225.00,280.00)×109/L、 0.18(0.14,0.25)mg/L、 75.00(56.00,95.00)mm/1 h、 9.70(9.10,11.60)mg/L,观察组红细胞压积(hematocrit,HCT)42.30(39.10,45.90)%低于对照组38.20(35.20,40.40)%(P<0.05)。 治疗后对照组白细胞计数(white blood cell count,WBC)、NEU、MONO、MLR、NLR、PLR、SII、PLT、MPV、PCT、ESR、CRP 降低,红细胞计数(red blood cell count,RBC)、血红蛋白(hemoglobin,Hb)、HCT 升高(P<0.05);观察组治疗后NEU、NLR、MPV、ESR、CRP 降低,RBC、HCT、RDW-SD 升高(P<0.05)。 ROC曲线分析显示,治疗后单独血液学参数指标预测痰未转阴曲线下面积(area under the curve,AUC)<0.75。 Logistic 回归联合模型AUC 高于单个血液学参数(P<0.05)。 模型6(NEU、MLR、NLR、PLR、SII、HCT、PCT、ESR、CRP)的准确性,预测AUC 为0.852(95%CI:0.787~0.917)。


血液学参数联合模型预测PTB 强化期治疗,具有临床意义。


To analyze value of hematological features after intensive treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB).


All of 162 newly diagnosed PTB patients admitted to our hospital from May 2020 to June 2022 were selected as subjects.After 2 months of intensive treatment,112 patients with negative sputum were included in the control group by smear microscopy and sputum culture,and 50 cases without negative sputum were included in the observation group.Peripheral venous blood was collected before and after anti-tuberculosis treatment,and 24 kinds of hematological parameters were detected.


After treatment,neutrophils count [NEU,4.92 (3.73,6.57) ×109/L vs. 6.02(4.76,7.52) ×109/L] and monocytes count[MONO,0.50 (0.32,0.72) ×109/L vs. 0.89(0.47,1.08) ×109/L],monocyte to lymphocyte ratio [MLR,0.23 (0.16,0.34) vs. 0.43 (0.25,0.59)],platelet to lymphocyte ratio [PLR,142.10 (82.60,184.00) vs. 155.50 (102.60,193.90)],neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio [NLR,2.29 (1.57,3.05) vs.2.88(2.23,4.17)],systemic immunoinflammatory index [SII,568.60 (361.90,1 018.60) vs. 735.40 (575.20,1 110.50)],platelet count [PLT,296.00 (201.00,390.00)×109/L vs. 259.00 (225.00,280.00)×109/L],platelet [PCT,0.15 (0.13,0.19) vs. 0.18 (0.14,0.25)],erythrocyte sedimentation rate [ESR,45.00(25.00,85.00)mm/1 h vs. 75.00 (56.00,95.00)mm/1 h] and C-reactive protein [CRP,9.30 (9.10,11.30) mg/L vs. 9.70 (9.10,11.60)mg/L] were significantly higher than those in group.Hematocrit [HCT,42.30 (39.10,45.90) % vs. 38.20 (35.20,40.40)%] was significantly lower than that in sputum conversion to Yin group (P<0.05).Compared with before treatment,white blood cell count (WBC),NEU,MONO,MLR,NLR,PLR,SII,PLT,MPV,PCT,ESR and CRP were significantly decreased,while red blood cell count (RBC),hemoglobin (Hb) and HCT were significantly increased in the control group after treatment (P<0.05).In the observation group,NEU,NLR,MPV,ESR and CRP were significantly decreased after treatment,while RBC,HCT and RDW-SD were significantly increased (P<0.05).ROC curve was used to evaluate the predictive value of a single indicator for sputum not turning negative after treatment,and the results showed that the area under the prediction curve (AUC) of a single hematology parameter was<0.75.Logistic regression was used to construct the combined model,and the AUC of each model was significantly higher than that of a single hematology parameter (P<0.05).Model 6 (NEU,MLR,NLR,PLR,SII,HCT,PCT,ESR,CRP) had good accuracy and predicted an AUC of 0.852 (95%CI:0.787 ~0.917).


The combined model of hematology parameters can be used as a noninvasive prognostic tool for the outcome of PTB intensive treatment.

表1 两组肺结核治疗前血液学参数患者比较[n(%),M(M25,M75)]
血液学参数 对照组(n=112) 观察组(n=50) χ2/Z P
WBC(×109/L) 10.68(8.48,13.64) 9.00(7.00,10.90) -1.647 0.100
LYM(×109/L) 1.81(1.49,2.58) 1.99(1.33,2.40) -0.660 0.509
NEU(×109/L) 7.21(5.36,9.29) 7.13(5.21,9.38) -0.215 0.830
MONO(×109/L) 0.66(0.50,1.19) 0.59(0.45,0.79) -1.703 0.089
MLR 0.36(0.26,0.56) 0.28(0.21,0.45) -1.336 0.182
NLR 3.48(2.52,5.67) 3.95(2.84,5.00) -1.124 0.261
PLR 170.90(120.80,236.90) 136.60(90.90,182.20) -0.565 0.572
SII 1 271.20(680.90,2 259.20) 932.80(572.80,1 383.30) -0.590 0.555
RBC(%) 4.10(3.79,4.75) 4.33(3.90,4.85) -1.249 0.212
HGB(g/L) 125.00(107.00,133.00) 129.00(116.00,140.00) -0.190 0.849
HCT(%) 38.50(33.50,41.10) 38.10(35.10,40.80) -0.783 0.434
MCV(fL) 89.30(84.00,96.00) 90.30(86.00,96.50) -1.346 0.178
MCH(pg) 28.80(27.20,32.30) 31.00(27.90,34.00) -0.037 0.971
MCHC(g/L) 330.00(316.00,337.00) 331.00(322.00,351.00) -0.060 0.952
RDW-CV(%) 15.00(13.60,17.00) 14.00(13.00,15.80) -0.290 0.772
RDW-SD(fL) 42.80(39.40,46.80) 42.10(39.50,46.50) -1.311 0.190
PLT(×109/L) 355.00(241.00,515.00) 243.00(187.00,317.00) -1.587 0.112
PDW-CV(%) 38.90(38.50,39.20) 39.10(38.20,41.70) -0.122 0.903
PDW-SD(fL) 17.90(16.00,20.60) 17.60(15.00,20.60) -0.123 0.902
MPV(fL) 6.60(5.50,8.20) 8.00(6.80,9.50) -0.593 0.553
PCT(%) 0.21(0.16,0.29) 0.17(0.14,0.26) -0.800 0.423
P-LCR 23.88(21.07,30.02) 29.70(24.25,33.70) -1.206 0.228
ESR(mm/1 h) 83.00(60.00,100.00) 77.00(59.00,93.00) -0.153 0.878
CRP(mg/L) 16.30(11.20,17.90) 12.40(9.30,18.50) -1.095 0.274
表2 两组肺结核患者治疗后血液学参数结果比较
血液学参数 对照组(n=112) 观察组(n=50) Z P
WBC(×109/L) 7.39(6.20,9.80)a 8.37(6.95,9.73) -1.196 0.232
NEU(×109/L) 4.92(3.73,6.57)a 6.02(4.76,7.52)b -2.756 0.006
MONO(×109/L) 0.50(0.32,0.72)a 0.89(0.47,1.08) -2.037 0.042
MLR 0.23(0.16,0.34)a 0.43(0.25,0.59) -4.291 0.000
NLR 2.29(1.57,3.05)a 2.88(2.23,4.17)b -2.530 0.011
PLR 142.10(82.60,184.00)a 155.50(102.60,193.90) -2.348 0.019
SII 568.60(361.90,1 018.60)a 735.40(575.20,1 110.50) -3.517 0.000
RBC(%) 4.49(4.16,5.00)a 4.49(4.18,5.08)b -1.019 0.308
HGB(g/L) 128.00(120.00,145.00)a 124.00(104.00,135.00) -1.183 0.237
HCT(%) 42.30(39.10,45.90)a 38.20(35.20,40.40)b -2.144 0.032
MCV(fL) 87.50(83.90,92.40) 92.30(84.90,96.00) -0.640 0.522
MCH(pg) 29.00(27.30,30.60) 32.40(28.00,34.10) -0.137 0.891
MCHC(g/L) 329.00(318.00,335.00) 340.00(329.00,366.00) -1.030 0.303
RDW-CV(%) 15.80(14.70,19.40) 14.20(13.20,17.50) -0.818 0.413
RDW-SD(fL) 44.00(38.70,56.50) 44.20(41.50,48.30)b -0.931 0.352
PLT(×109/L) 296.00(201.00,390.00)a 259.00(225.00,280.00) -2.030 0.042
PDW-CV(%) 39.00(38.30,39.20) 38.30(36.60,39.10) -0.265 0.791
PDW-SD(fL) 16.80(15.80,19.00) 16.60(14.10,18.70) -0.934 0.350
MPV(fL) 5.80(4.80,7.90)a 7.10(6.30,7.90)b -0.327 0.744
PCT(%) 0.15(0.13,0.19)a 0.18(0.14,0.25) -2.076 0.038
P-LCR 23.24(17.54,27.93)a 27.10(22.19,32.40) -0.926 0.354
ESR(mm/h) 45.00(25.00,85.00)a 75.00(56.00,95.00)b -3.449 0.001
CRP(mg/L) 9.30(9.10,11.30)a 9.70(9.10,11.60)b -3.419 0.001
图1 肺结核患者入组诊断时胸部CT 平扫。 注:A:痰转阴组患者CT 图像(上叶多发结节,条索影;胸腔少量积液,局部胸膜增厚);B:痰未转阴组患者CT 图像(上叶多发结节,部分成磨玻璃样;肺大泡;纵隔多发小淋巴结)
表3 肺结核患者Spearman 秩相关性分析
表4 血液学参数联合模型对痰转阴的预测
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