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中华肺部疾病杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (03) : 397 -401. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2024.03.010


马甜甜1, 张红军1,(), 顾兴1, 李文洁1, 赵延军1, 苟超伦2, 严雯2   
  1. 1. 710100 西安,西安市胸科医院呼吸与危重症医学科
    2. 710100 西安,西安市胸科医院妇儿结核科
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-13 出版日期:2024-06-25
  • 通信作者: 张红军
  • 基金资助:

Application analysis of bronchoscopy in severe mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia of children

Tiantian Ma1, Hongjun Zhang1,(), Xing Gu1, Wenjie Li1, Yanjun Zhao1, Chaolun Gao2, Wen Yan2   

  1. 1. Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Xi′an Chest Hospital, Xi′an 710100, China
    2. Department of Gynecology and Pediatric Tuberculosis, Xi′an Chest Hospital, Xi′an 710100, China
  • Received:2024-01-13 Published:2024-06-25
  • Corresponding author: Hongjun Zhang

马甜甜, 张红军, 顾兴, 李文洁, 赵延军, 苟超伦, 严雯. 支气管镜在儿童重症肺炎支原体肺炎中的应用分析[J]. 中华肺部疾病杂志(电子版), 2024, 17(03): 397-401.

Tiantian Ma, Hongjun Zhang, Xing Gu, Wenjie Li, Yanjun Zhao, Chaolun Gao, Wen Yan. Application analysis of bronchoscopy in severe mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia of children[J]. Chinese Journal of Lung Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2024, 17(03): 397-401.


回顾性分析肺炎支原体肺炎(mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia, MPP)患儿临床资料,有助于支气管镜下治疗的重症肺炎支原体肺炎(severe mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia, SMPP)早期识别。




观察组年龄7~9岁53例(63.10%)高于对照组31例(41.89%)(P<0.05);两组以重症为主,观察组60例(71.43%)高于对照组27例(36.49%)(P<0.001)。观察组最高体温(39.30±0.83)℃、和入院超敏C反应蛋白[18.51(8.10,42.71)]mg/L,从发病到开始住院时间A(8.96±5.56)d,住院时间B(8.54±2.90)d,总病程(A+B)(17.50±6.25)d,平均住院时间(9.08±2.92)d及住院费用(7 271.20±2 875.83)元高于对照组(38.84±0.80)℃、[10.03(3.70,21.72)]mg/L、(6.65±6.21)d、(6.70±2.01)d、(13.35±6.46)d、(7.53±2.10)d、(3 360.27±1 320.35)元(P<0.05)。胸部CT显示,两组治疗后两肺的感染面积较治疗前有明显的减少(P<0.005)。并发塑形性支气管炎(plastic bronchitis, PB)病例,经支气管镜下治疗后症状、病情及影像改善较好。




The clinical data of pediatric patients with mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia (MPP) admitted to the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of our hospital were retrospectively analyzed, to explore the early identification of severe mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia (SMPP) requiring bronchoscopic treatment.


158 cases of mild and severe MPP were recruited in our hospital from November 2023 to December 2023 during the outbreak of Mycoplasma infection, divided into the control group with non-bronchoscopic treatment 74 cases and the observation group with bronchoscopic treatment 84 cases. Then, the gender, age, highest body temperature, white blood cells, neutrophils, hypersensitive C-reactive protein, chest CT features, disease course, hospitalization time, and hospitalization costs of the two groups of patients were analyzed.


In the observation group, the age of children was mainly 7-9 years old (63.10%), and the condition is mainly severe (71.43%), with a significant difference compared to the control group (P<0.05). The highest body temperature, admission hypersensitive C-reactive protein, length of hospital stay from onset to onset A, length of hospital stay B, total course of disease (A+ B), average length of hospital stay, and hospitalization costs of the two groups were (38.84±0.80)℃ vs. (39.30±0.83)℃, [10.03 (3.70, 21.72)] mg/L vs. [18.51 (8.10, 42.71)]mg/L, (6.65±6.21 )days vs. (8.96±5.56) days, (6.70±2.01) days vs. (8.54±2.90) days, (13.35±6.46) days vs. (17.50±6.25) days, (7.53±2.10) days vs. (9.08±2.92) days, (3 360.27±1 320.35) yuan vs. (7 271.20±2 875.83) yuan, the observation group was higher than control group (P<0.05). Chest CT showed a significant reduction in the infection area of both lungs after treatment in both groups compared to before treatment, with statistical significance (P<0.005). A few cases of concurrent plastic bronchitis (PB) have shown good improvement in symptoms, condition, and imaging after bronchoscopic treatment.


Starting from general clinical data such as age, highest body temperature, hypersensitive C-reactive protein, and disease course, combined with chest CT features, early identification of SMPP patients who require bronchoscopic treatment can improve the treatment effectiveness of SMPP.

表1 肺炎支原体肺炎患儿一般临床资料比较[(±s),n(%)]
表2 两组治疗前后白细胞、中性粒细胞和胸部CT感染面积比较[n(%)]
图1 患儿8岁,男,患肺炎支原体肺炎。注:A:胸部CT肺窗影像显示左肺下叶实变;B:胸部CT纵膈窗影像显示左肺下叶实变;C:支气管镜下可见痰栓,阻塞支气管;D:经支气管镜取出的树枝状塑型痰栓
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